Forum Discussion

BrianDunk's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 months ago

Displaying Values in Proxy Field

I have a Text (reference proxy) field that displays the values of a table via a relationship.  The table has two fields "Brand" and "Percent".  I have successfully created the table relationship and the dropdown is showing the values as expected.

The issue I am having is when I select a Brand name the Percent value goes away from the dropdown after selecting it. 

Is there a way to display both the "Brand" and the "Percent" after value selection?


  • Mez's avatar
    Qrew Cadet

    The way I prefer to solve for this is to use that formula text field you've created as the first field in the default record picker on the parent table. Since the relationship uses this structure to display which record was selected, you'll now have the two fields displayed as one after record selection. 

    • DonLarson's avatar
      Qrew Elite

      This is a simpler solution than changing the form behavior.

  • In the form, you can hide the Brand and Percent field, while you are in Edit

    Hide the Formula field in View

    This way you are selecting from the formula field but your Users will see both pieces of data when reviewing it.

  • Hi Don,  thanks for replying.  I tried option two.  I think it is working, but my issue with that solution is you cannot (atleast in the way I have it setup) select the Brand from the formula Text field.  You still need the Original Proxy field to make the actual Brand Selection.  Is there a way to do this with just one field?  

    My issue with option 1 is when the user is making the selection both fields mimick each other.  It is not until the form is saved that the "Percent" field changes to the appropriate % associated to the selected Brand.  The goal is make certain the user is selecting the proper Brand and Percent as there are Brand names that have 3% or 5% associated to it.  The below screen grab is the form in edit mode selecting the Brand "Comet 3%".  You can see the % field displays the brand in edit mode.  

    Here is the form after Save.


  • Two way to solve this.   In the relationship make both Name and Percent look up fields.   Put them side by side in the child form and then you will see both.


    Option two.  In the parent table, make a formula text field.  Something like

    [Brand] & " " & [Percent]

    Insert it into the relationship and make that Proxy Field and add it to your form in the Child.

  • Moving this to the top.  Hoping this is something that can be done.