Forum Discussion

sanaddhital1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
11 months ago

Do we have Record Picker Report in New Forms?

I am trying to transition from legacy form to new form. My legacy form includes a report with Record Picker that looks like the ss below. But  I don't get an option to add this to new form. Do I actually have to create a whole new report replicating the Record Picker to use it in new form?

sanad dhital

2 Replies

  • It's not intuitive. Customize your form, and instead of adding your report link as a field, click the 'Click to add here' and then choose 'Report'. Once the report widget is on your form, you can choose the report to use (in this case you dont even need to have a typical report link relationship), or you can base it off the report link itself which you can choose.

    Warning - report links seem to be buggy. The report you choose doesn't really show up (the will see what I mean). Also, report links where you select 'non exact match', won't matter. It will always look for an exact match.

    Update: I dont think I actually answered your question. It looks like, no I guess we can't use the record picker??

    Mike Tamoush

    • sanaddhital1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I have realized that bug where the actual name of the report doesn't appear but its there. But its so limited. i can't choose the record picker I want. Recently I found that I am unable to include grid view reports as well. Probly i will pause my transition to new forms.

      sanad dhital