Forum Discussion

LarryJohnson's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Does anyone know how to prevent users from saving duplicate records?

I have a large sales force and we track everything by customers email address. Trying to prevent users from saving duplicate records that have been worked in the last 90 days by other users. I've tried several of the formulas posted here, but none work. My issue seems to be that users can only see records assigned to their role. But I want to prevent the same sales person from saving records that are already being worked by another sales person in the last 90 days. So need a formula that will check the whole data base, and alert that user the record already exist.

1 Reply

  • While not so kind to the users, as they will only find out after they try to save the record, you can create a field by formula and mark it as being unique.  Quick Base will then prohibit the saving of the record .

    so for example

    If you created a field called [This Client is already being work on by another rep]

    if(ToDays(Today() - ToDate([Date modified]))<90, [Related Client])

    then that field would either contain the value for related client or would be null.

    Th reason for the verbose field name will become apparent when you test this.

    You will need to decide what is being enforced as Unique and note that you may not use a lookup or a summary field in the unique formula field.