Forum Discussion

JeannetteBagnol's avatar
Qrew Member
12 months ago

Dropdown selections from app to app relationship

I have a couple of table to table and app to app relationships and am having an irritating problem. 

App 1 - Table 1 - Employee names (parent table)

              Table 2 - States and License #s (child table)

App 2 - Table 1 - Job (parent table)

              Table 2 - Details (child table)

Set up app to app relationships so that in the App 2 Details table you can select an employee name then select the state and license numbers associated with the employee, the Details table is a child table to both the Employee name table and the States and Licenses table.  A report was created in the Employee table to list only active employees.  I used this report to pull the selections on the Details table....which is working perfect.  The problem is on the Job parent table where it displays the information from the Details is showing all employees in the dropdown, not just the ones on the active employee report.  Not sure if there was a step missed somewhere.

Jeannette Bagnoli
  • Jeanette, I read this a couple of times and I don't quite understand the issue.   Can you help me understand and reconcile these two statements? 

    I used this report (of active employees) to pull the selections on the Details table....which is working perfect.

    The problem is on the Job parent table where it displays the information from the Details is showing all employees in the dropdown, not just the ones on the active employee report.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)