Forum Discussion

ScottTalarico's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Dynamic Rules per role

I have 4 forms that are separated by role.  I'm working on a project that may require many dynamic rules and I want to know if there is a way to apply them across all forms and all roles.  Each form is very unique so I don't want to just copy the form where I create the rules.  Essentially trying to create rules that apply to every form without having to create the rules on each form.

Scott Talarico
  • No, there is not a way to do that. Like you said you could make the rules on one form, get them perfected,  and copy the form and go forward from there but there is no way to have global rules apply to multiple different forms.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
  • Hi Scott,

    Are the dynamic form rules you are using more about changing the forms to hide and show fields under specific circumstances or are they mostly to prevent saves or automate workflows? For example when a field changes values add that to another field, etc?

    Evan Martinez
    • ScottTalarico's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      What I need at the moment are rules that would hide / save and/or require a field

      Scott Talarico
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Scott,

        While hiding elements on the form is confined to form rules you can use custom data rules to help make a field required or not available for edit when certain conditions are met. You can use our formula language to write out your own conditions under which a record will prevent a save and even put in your own error message for guidance. These rules then apply across data imports, API, Pipelines, and manual entry channels to help assure data meets those standards. It won't help you easily transition all your form rules but can help you simplify some of them so they aren't going to need to be repeated on every form. 

        For example you can set it up to do something simple like require a field not be empty when another field has a certain value. In my example below if a company is marked inactive and the Date Cancelled is blank or the Reason for Cancellation is blank I prevent a save, this makes sure no records are saved without this important information. 

        If([Active?]=false and ([Date Cancelled]=null or [Reason for Cancellation]=""), "All companies must have a date cancelled and reason for cancellation before they can be closed")

        You can then get more complex if needed for your logic and it is all stored in one central place. It doesn't solve for everything form rules does but it can remove some of your rules from needing to be repeated and protect more than just form entry.

        Evan Martinez