Forum Discussion

AlbertoTablada1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Edit many records on a single API Call

I'm using API_EditRecord in a loop in Javascript to edit several records in one button click.
But at some points I'm editing up to 1000 records, which means 1000 API_EditRecord calls, which is taking a considerable amount of time.

I was wondering if there's a way of editing several records in a single API call?

I was thinking on an API call where I would send a list of Records IDs and the fields to be edited, but I haven't found an end point for this yet.

2 Replies

  • You have to use API_ImportFromCSV to do bulk import.  Looping over API_EditRecord many not only take a long time it may cause your browser to run out of available sockets and hang.