Forum Discussion

BethanyHudson's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Embed a Report into Another Report's Field

I'm trying to embed a report as a field in another report. Basically this:
I've created the code page:
[iol] & "modulecontracts.js" & [/iol]
"<span class='QBU_ToggleChildren'" &
"  data-rid='" & [Record ID#] & "'" &

I'm having trouble with the formula field:
  var dbid = "bqij8g449";
  var dbid GrantBudgets = "bqrnue9x7";
  var rid= "85";
  var apptoken = "b4bgu9_mk8a_0_dut3hpibru9pbtq884vsd7djvmt";
 $(".QBU_ToggleChildren").on("click", function() {
      if ($(this).text() == "+") {
      } else {
      var rid = this.dataset.rid;
      $("#child_rid_" + rid).toggle();
    });  })​

I need help!

Bethany Hudson

4 Replies

  • So "IOL" is long dead so nevermind that.

    But can we dumb this down a bit.  Why not just make a simple native Report Link field.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BethanyHudson's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      What we're wanting is a little tricky. We need a BVA report for individual grants. Each grant contains multiple projects. Within those projects, there are multiple contracts that we want certain information to show. I've tried a field that contains multiple combined fields, but it's very cumbersome and the combined fields don't always match the other related combined fields correctly. eg. when there are multiple contracts the PO #, contract amount, etc. don't always correspond properly.

      I also tried a rich text field with a table listing all the information, but I can't get the formula to work, so maybe that's what I need.

      Bethany Hudson
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I'm skiing today, but while I'm taking a few runs, can you describe your tables in their relationships, which is the one in which is the many? And which records you were trying to show on which  record?

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)