Forum Discussion

KristaSibery's avatar
Qrew Cadet
11 months ago

Embed field information

I am creating a new form for our support tickets and I would like to include the ticket number field multiple times but it will not let me. I thought a workaround for this would be to embed the information in rich text, but this is not working. Any idea how to do this or a different workaround? Thank you!

Krista Sibery
  • You can only have a data entry field once on a form because it confuses Quickbase if the same field appears twice on a form as there could be different data entered in each appearance of the field.

    But no problem. What we typically do is to simply create a field called [ticket number mirror] with a formula of just the [ticket number]. Now you have a formula field then you can put that on the form as many times as you like. You can also override the heading that appears on the form so that your users don't see the word mirror.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)