Forum Discussion
4 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
One issue I'm seeing is that your query can return more than one value and the ToDate function is only designed to work with one value. If you are certain the query will only return 1 date, you could create a variable and us that in the ToDate function.
Paul Peterson
var date = dateQuery = GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{12.EX.'" & [NUM1] & "'}",[_DBID_UPLOAD]),15)
If([Match]="Y",ToDate($dateQuery),ToDate("Jan 30, 2000"))
Paul Peterson
4 years agoQrew Member
Paul, how else I can retrieve the date from other table then?
- PaulPeterson14 years agoQrew Assistant CaptainAre you certain there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the two records? If so, you could create a relationship where the Upload table is the parent and the Overrides is the child and pull the date in as a lookup. If it is not a 1 to 1 relationship, then the issue will be much more complicated.
Paul Peterson