Forum Discussion

GilbertSpigelm2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Exact Form Option Using Application Tokens

Has anyone figured out a way to generate documents while using application tokens? We cannot turn this feature off, but have a need to generate customer scope of work and other documents. We currently have some custom PHP running on a separate server to accomplish this, but I'm curious if someone has come up with a different way.
  • The fact that Quickbase makes you choose between securing your application/data and the ability to use the Exact Form is a huge defect.  They should spell this out clearly when they tout the features of Quickbase and its Exact Form.
  • Thanks. Someone has suggested it in the past, but we're trying to do something in house without an add-on. We may consider it as a last option.
    • KeithJusas's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      thanks mark...yes fully compatible with application tokens.

      Exact Form Plus supports user tokens as well