Forum Discussion

GaryMcDonald's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 months ago

File Manager Plugin URL enhancement

I am looking for a way to not just pass the parent Key field to the child document records I create.  I want to be able to pass other field data into fields in the child record.  For example currently when you add an individual document to a child record you can include code that let's you update other fields like this:

URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_NOTES] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_18=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])
& "&_fid_6=" & URLEncode ([Account Number])
& "&_fid_17=" & URLEncode ([AccountNow])
& "&z=" & Rurl() 

This will put the Record ID# in the Related Claim field... the Account Number in field id#6 and the AccountNow text in the field ID#17 in the child table.

I can't figure out how to do that with the URL from the File Manager Plugin that looks like this:

var Text realmHostName = NotRight(NotLeft(URLRoot(), 8), "/");
"" & [Record ID#] & "&configId=2l9yd2D12Du1Cqv2dYzmNNIaZKQ&appId="&AppID()&"&realmHostname=" & URLEncode($realmHostName)


Thanks for any help.


  • You cannot alter that URL at all. It's apples and oranges compared to a usual URL formula field. ie something completely different.

    If you are looking to pass values down to a child records, you can just go to the relationship and add look up fields, right?