Forum Discussion

NadaMousa's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Filtering and Formulas using a Multi- Select Text Field

I am trying to organize our work with out grant objectives. I have now a multi-select field with the objectives written in its called "Primary Objectives". I want to create a field that can read from the "Primary Objectives" and will output  text identifying the grant name.  I tried using Contains([Primary Objectives]), "Objective 1", CEE," 
"CEE" is the desired output. Does anyone know if this is possible or maybe I can use dynamic form rules?

Nada Mousa

5 Replies

  • You can do this

    IF(Contains(ToText([Primary Objectives]), "Objective 1"), "CEE")

    But are you just checking for the objectives in separate fields or do you want a list of them based on all the selected Primary Objectives?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • NadaMousa's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I am only checking for the objectives from that one "Primary Objectives" filed

      Nada Mousa