Forum Discussion

MichaelBretton's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Form access/URL??

Hi folks

Wondering if you can help?

My app tracks a set of customers (as in B2B brands) who are our clients (we are a software company) - Each customer has consultancy time bundled into their contract as standard and can use as they wish. Our consultants go in and chalk of timesheets against these customers and their respective buckets of work.

- Occasionally our consultants need to do work for Prospects (in order to secure a deal or just for general support). I have a default 'Customer' form for consultants to fill out which populates a Timesheet, but I have now created a timesheet for 'Prospect' which is going to be a lot more basic.

I want to add a button to access it to the homepage for that user or even at the top of the main table report if I can, but I can't manage to find the URL to access that form anywhere - what am I doing wrong? :( 


Michael Bretton
  • BlakeHarrison's avatar
    5 years ago
    Double-check the URL that you've entered into the dashboard. The easiest way to make sure you have the correct URL is to start a new record and then add &dfid=## (## being the ID of your form) to the end of it. Once you've verified that it's now re-directed you to your new form, copy/paste the entire URL from your address bar into the URL field of the button/link you're building on the form.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
  • So, your standard 'Add Record' URL formula would be something like this:

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [dbid_alias] & "?a=nwr"​To direct a user to a different form on that table, you'll add the form ID to the formula like this:

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [dbid_alias] & "?a=nwr&dfid=10"​

    Just go into the settings on that table and under 'Forms' find the Form ID and replace the '10' in my example with the correct number.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • MichaelBretton's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Blake,

      Thanks for your reply and for the formula - Sadly I can't work out how I can link out to it. I can't see how I can add a button on the Home page to direct to this new form? Or within the table, it only shows a button that says 'New Timecard' which takes you to the default.

      • I want to add a button to access it to the homepage for that user or even at the top of the main table report if I can, but I can't manage to find the URL to access that form anywhere
      Hope that makes sense?


      Michael Bretton
      • BlakeHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        So, is this form always the one you want a specific User Role to utilize when adding a record to this table? If so, you can modify what form that Role defaults to here:

        If not, you can add it to their dashboard by adding it to either a Link or Button widget. Instead of selecting the 'New Record' option, you'll have to select the URL option:
        And, since we can't do the formula here, you have to enter in the Add Record URL for that form, which would be in this format:​
        You'll need to replace the placeholders above - mydomain, mytabledbid, and ## 

        Blake Harrison
        DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
        Atlanta GA
        404.800.1702 /