var date PS = [MS PS Spec Signed]; var date AS = [MS AS Spec Signed];
var date PF = [MS PF Spec Signed]; var date AF = [MS AF Spec Signed];
var user Assigned = [Study Design Analyst];
not IsNull($AS), "<div style=\"color:green;\">" & $AS & "</div>",
not IsNull($PS) and $PS < Today(), "<div style=\"color:red;\">" & $PS & "</div>",
not IsNull($PS), "<div style=\"color:#cca300;\">" & $PS & "</div>",
"<div style=\"color:grey;\">Unscheduled</div>"
not IsNull($AF), "<div style=\"color:green;\">" & $AF & "</div>",
not IsNull($PF) and $PF < Today(), "<div style=\"color:red;\">" & $PF & "</div>",
not IsNull($PF), "<div style=\"color:#cca300;\">" & $PF & "</div>",
"<div style=\"color:grey;\">Unscheduled</div>"
not IsNull($Assigned), "<div class=user>"&UserToName($Assigned)&"</div>",
"<div class=user style=\"color:grey;\">Unassigned</div>"