Forum Discussion

TonyTony1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

FormData API

I am trying to create an API to return information from an outside URL. I have the string that returns the pertinent information.  I am a complete novice at this so I'm looking for help starting from the ground up. 

I create a formula URL and the fields that would hold the returned information, I just need help to have them speak to each other.


2 Replies

  • Have you looked into using a Quick Base code page / db page rather than trying this with a formula?

    The process if I'm understanding it that you'll have to follow is:

    1) Make the request to the external system (likely using a GET or POST) - sounds like this is what you're already doing when you say you have a string that returns the pertinent information
    2) Parse the response to get the values you're looking for (i.e. Parse an XML or JSON response in some examples)
    3) Take that data and make an EditRecord call back into Quick Base into the fields you set up

    You could theoretically do that in a Quick Base formula, but the syntax is really tricky and even harder to debug / log out. With a quick base code page, you can still have the user click a button, but when clicked it would call out to this code page where you have more flexibility. 

    Chayce Duncan | Technical Lead
    (720) 739-1406 |
    Quandary Knowledge Base
  • Hello, just wondering if you were able to create the API?

    I have a similar project in mind, but need to build an API to extract data from a quickbase record to a POST form.  


    JRogerson JRogerson