Forum Discussion

SamanthaSand's avatar
Qrew Member
7 months ago

Forms Builder - add parent from child in POPUP and return to child

Using legacy forms, when a user needs to add a new Make (parent) to a Model record (child) - they click "Create make" at the bottom of the picklist and it opens a pop-up window where they can create and save the new Make and then it automatically returns to the child record so they can continue. This is the behavior I want.

But if I use the forms builder - when the user clicks "Create make" at the bottom of the picklist it opens the parent in a new window altogether, and it doesn't return them to the child Model record they were trying to create in the first place.

I looked for a setting to control the target behavior but cannot find. Any ideas..?

Samantha Sand

5 Replies

  • Is there anything unique about how you have the Make table setup? I looked at a handful or different forms with the new setup, but 1) I don't see anyway to control this and 2) I don't get the behavior as you've described it. When I click Create in the dropdown it opens the popup and on save populates the field with the new value similar to the behavior of the old forms. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • SamanthaSand's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I started with a template from the QB library so it's possible there is something unique that is buried somewhere. Interesting that you don't get the same behavior; I'll start with a blank slate and run a test to see if the behavior changes.

      Samantha Sand
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Odd. I would suggest just making a new form then as you've suggested and try just putting that field on there alone and seeing what the behavior might be. 

        Chayce Duncan