Forum Discussion

JenSimoni2's avatar
Qrew Member
5 months ago

Formula Assistance

Newbie here! I need to get the word 'County' inserted into this List formula after the [County] field so that it shows up as, Chicago, Cook County, IL instead of Chicago, Cook, IL. Can anyone help? Thanks!

List(", ",[Address: City], [County], [Address: State/Region])

  • np,

    var text County = IF(Trim([County])<>"", [County] & " County");

    List(", ",[Address: City], $County, [Address: State/Region])


    //the reason for the extra complexity is to deal with the possibility that the County is blank, in which case adding the word County would be confusing. 

  • np,

    var text County = IF(Trim([County])<>"", [County] & " County");

    List(", ",[Address: City], $County, [Address: State/Region])


    //the reason for the extra complexity is to deal with the possibility that the County is blank, in which case adding the word County would be confusing.