Forum Discussion

GaryMcRoberts's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Formula Builder Cursor Position Incorrect

When editing a formula in the new formula builder, for example in a rich text field, where you position the cursor and where the edit takes places is not correct.  For example I can position my cursor after a field name such as [fieldname] and start typing, but the text I type appears about 4 - 5 characters to the right in the middle of another part of my formula.

Is anyone else having this problem?  It's the same in both Safari and Chrome
  • So it appears this actually is only limited to Safari, not Chrome.. very frustrating though
  • I have this exact problem in Chrome under Windows 10. Did you ever get resolution? The number of characters that the cursor is offset is a function of the length of the formula itself. 

  • Here is what happens

    If my formula is 

    [Eval.Date Received]+Days(20)

    and I position the cursor at the end and type an X, I get this:

    [Eval.Date ReceiveXd]+Days(20)

    My work around is to edit a formula in notepad and paste it, but obviously that's not a real solution.

    This only happens on my desktop, not on any other computer.