Forum Discussion

EnderTaylor's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Formula Field not Displaing Right on Report

I have a formula Field that shows up correctly on the form, but on the report I get this in place of what should show up:

Anyone know why or how to fix it?

Ender Taylor
  • Can you copy and paste (not screen shot) your formula?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • EnderTaylor's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      var text escapingquotes = SearchAndReplace([Customer Communication Remarks],"\"","&quot;");
      If([Type Customer Communication]=true and [Type Internal Communication]=false and [Type Note]=false and [Type Task]=false,
      "<table style='width:100%;border: 0px Solid White'>"&
              "<td>"&"Type: "&[Customer Communication Type]&" | HO Status: "&[Homeowner Status] &" | Remarks: "& If(Length([Customer Communication Remarks])>120,Left([Customer Communication Remarks],120)&"<a href='"& Dbid()&"?a=dr&rid="&[Record ID#]&"' title=\""&$escapingquotes&"\" target=\"_blank\" \"><i><font color=blue> Hover...</font></i></div></a>",[Customer Communication Remarks])&"<br /"&"</td>"&
      If([Type Customer Communication]=false and [Type Internal Communication]=true and [Type Note]=false and [Type Task]=false,
      "<table style='width:100%;border: 0px Solid White'>"&
              "<td>"&"Remarks: "& If(Length([Internal Communication Remarks])>120,Left([Internal Communication Remarks],120)&"<a href='"& Dbid()&"?a=dr&rid="&[Record ID#]&"' title=\""&$escapingquotes&"\" target=\"_blank\" \"><i><font color=blue> Hover...</font></i></div></a>",[Internal Communication Remarks])&"<br /"&"</td>"&
      If([Type Customer Communication]=false and [Type Internal Communication]=false and [Type Note]=true and [Type Task]=false,
      "<table style='width:100%;border: 0px Solid White'>"&
              "<td>"&"Note: "& If(Length([Notes])>120,Left([Notes],120)&"<a href='"& Dbid()&"?a=dr&rid="&[Record ID#]&"' title=\""&$escapingquotes&"\" target=\"_blank\" \"><i><font color=blue> Hover...</font></i></div></a>",[Notes])&"<br /"&"</td>"&
      If([Type Customer Communication]=false and [Type Internal Communication]=false and [Type Note]=false and [Type Task]=true,
      "<table style='width:100%;border: 0px Solid White'>"&
              "<td>"&"Task: "&[Task Name]&" | Assigned To: "& ToText([Assigned To])&" | Status: "& [Task Status]& " | Due: "&[Task Due Date]& " | Completion Status: "&[Completion Status] &"<br /"&"</td>"&

      Ender Taylor
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        :)  Oh wow, "be careful what you ask for".  

        That formula is way too complicated for me to devote. I can only assume you have some mismatched syntax with the quote without a closing quote or an opening  < without the closing >

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)