Forum Discussion

JesseEdsell-Vet's avatar
Qrew Member
5 months ago

Formula question

Another formula question for another report:

There are several tables in the app that we are using and the 2 that I need data from Repayments (_DBID_PAYMENTS) is the parent in their relationship and Draws (_DBID_CASH_AND_NON_CASH_DRAWS) is the child.

I need to sum all payments from the repayments table and have that information pull for a formula on the draws table. The draws dates and payment dates are not the same dates. Need the repayments table (_DBID_PAYMENTS) which has payment date and payment amount fields based on the following:

Dates that are used to sum these payments to be are on or before the effective date on a separate table called cash/noncash draws (_DBID_CASH_AND_NON_CASH_DRAWS)



  • Jesse,

    In your first paragraph you reference



    Then in the third you mention

    cash/noncash draws (_DBID_CASH_AND_NON_CASH_DRAWS)

    That is the same DBID.

    Are there three tables and how are they related?

  • Hi there,

    There are several tables not related to this formula and then 2 tables that I need to use to pull info about repayments  (_DBID_PAYMENTS) for a cash/non-cash draws report (_DBID_CASH_AND_NON_CASH_DRAWS). The payment dates and the draw effective dates are not the same. I need to pull the total repayments to date from the (_DBID_PAYMENTS) based on the effective dates in the (_DBID_CASH_AND_NON_CASH_DRAWS).