Forum Discussion

MelissaDoran's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

formula url - creating blank record

Trying to create a child record from parent w/ formula URL button with key field of parent record prefilled, user to fill in other fields. 

URLRoot() & "db/" & "DBID" & "?a=API_AddRecord&apptoken=TOKEN&_fid_11=" & ToText([Job Number])
I've been playing with it, there are about 20 records that are just completely blank in all fields in the child table. Child table and parent tables are in two different apps. What am I missing???

4 Replies

  • you need to make sure the DB ID in the URL is the id for the application with the table you are adding the record to.
  • ok im just dumb i've done this before it's done from the relationships page. ignore me. lmao.
  • was just going to delete this but someone followed already haha i've been found out. too late haha