Hi folk, I have table #1 with fields A,B,C And table #2 with fields D,E,F Tables #1 and #2 are synchronized with QuickBooks. How can I have table #3 with all records and A,B,C,D,E,F field...
Is there a field known to both tables which is Unique?
------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach http://QuickBaseCoach.com mark.shnier@gmail.com ------------------------------
Can you explain how you would match up these records manually? How do you know which Table 1 Record match to Table2
Maybe you can give an example of the data so I can understand the matching you were looking for.
------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach http://QuickBaseCoach.com mark.shnier@gmail.com ------------------------------
Table Estimates has fields Product, Estimate Amount, Category (look up field from Category table) Table Purchase Orders has fields Product, PO Amount, Category (look up field from Category table) Table Categories has a field Category, and it is a Parent table for Estimates and Purchase Orders tables.
I would like to have the Summary reports and the Chart reports, which will combine data from two and more tables, like
Category 1 | sum of Estimate Amount | sum of PO Amount Category 2 | sum of Estimate Amount | sum of PO Amount ..... Category n | sum of Estimate Amount | sum of PO Amount
------------------------------ Andrew S ------------------------------