Forum Discussion

ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Gallery of thumbnails from child records?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for a way to display multiple thumbnail images in one field on a parent record. So one parent record may have two or three child record image files, and I want to be able to show them as a small gallery of images on their parent record. This is for a table view of those parent records to it's important to me to be able to get them all into one field. 

Thank you for any help! I know how to show a single image file as a thumbnail on its own but I'm having a tougher time figuring this one out.

Elena Larrabee
  • I think that this is easy.  You already have a formula Rich Text field on the children to display the Thumbnail.

    Make a formula field text field called [Thumbnail in Text format] with the formula just being Rich Text thumbnail field.

    Use a Combined Text Summary field to roll up those text Thumbnails to the Parent.  We need to do this because I believe that you cannot Summarize a Rich Text field type. ( not 100% sure of that ) 

    Make a formula Rich Text field called [All Thumbnails] on the Parent Record with this formula to remove the semi colon delimiters

    SearchAndReplace(ToText([Combined Text Thumbnail in Text format]), ";", "")

    ... that should work

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • I think that this is easy.  You already have a formula Rich Text field on the children to display the Thumbnail.

    Make a formula field text field called [Thumbnail in Text format] with the formula just being Rich Text thumbnail field.

    Use a Combined Text Summary field to roll up those text Thumbnails to the Parent.  We need to do this because I believe that you cannot Summarize a Rich Text field type. ( not 100% sure of that ) 

    Make a formula Rich Text field called [All Thumbnails] on the Parent Record with this formula to remove the semi colon delimiters

    SearchAndReplace(ToText([Combined Text Thumbnail in Text format]), ";", "")

    ... that should work

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thank you! I'll give this a shot this week.

      Elena Larrabee
    • ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Worked beautifully, thank you!

      Elena Larrabee
    • ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Hey @Mark Shnier (YQC) ! I don't suppose you know if there's a way to add an OnClick action or something that would allow users to click open an image in an expanded view from this gallery? I've found some information on how to do it with a single thumbnail image, but not sure if it could work with multiple? I'd be perfectly happy with the "expanded view" just being the same thumbnail gallery (all combined) but larger in a popup window. 

      Elena Larrabee
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Well, if you make a field at the source which is a clickable hyperlink like this

        var text image= "<img src=" & URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid() & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e12/v0' height='100' >";
        var text URL= URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid() & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e12/v0' target=_blank";

        If([Team Member Picture]<>"",
        "<a href=" & $URL & ">" & $Image & "</a>")

        Then the gallery individual images should be "clickable" to open in a new tab.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)