Forum Discussion

MarkMeierhoefer's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Geocode (get lat/lng) standard with address fields

I've seen a lot of questions surrounding proximity.  That is, how far away are two addresses from one another.  Most ways to deal with that need latitude and longitude coordinates to work.  I know that when one uses the Google Maps API for location autocomplete, etc. the JSON provided includes the coordinates for the location - and a quick hunt around the Mapbox website shows that they do as well.  

Is there any chance that Quickbase could capture that information as part of the subfields?  It seems as though the information is there and it wouldn't take much to add it.  Thanks.

If anyone has any advice on how to geocode an address during input - say as the map renders or upon selection of a location from autocomplete - I'd be very grateful.  Thanks again.

3 Replies

  • I have asked any contacts I have at Quick Base to expose the geocoding as sub fields, so I agree with your wish.

    For now, (and while I love Todd and Keith , the "Juiced boys", I would prefer that this be native), I have to use Juiced to do the geocoding.  But that is an add on extra cost to my clients. 
  • Thanks.  I have the google geocode JS API working and getting the right data - I just can't figure how to get the data out of the JSON response and into the appropriate fields in the context of Quickbase.  Formula-URL field?  Formal-Text?  IOL?  I'm stymied.