Forum Discussion

HerberthSolano's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Get Date/time

Helloooo quickbase community!

I have a question, i need to create a field that saves the exact date and time when another chechkbox field is equal to true, I don't need a log I need to know some formula to do this.

Thanks again, you are very helpful.


Herberth Solano.

Herberth Solano

8 Replies

  • If you are editing on a form, then you can use a Dynamic Form Rule.  First make a Date/ Time field called like [Date / Time checkbox was checked].

    Then make a form rule,
    When Multiple conditions are true
    ALL of
    [Date / Time checkbox was checked] is blank (just leave blank)
    Checkbox field is checked 

    Change the value of [Date / Time checkbox was checked] to the current date/time.

    If it's possible that your users will be checking the checkbox in Grid Edit, hen you will need to set up a Pipeline to do that.  Post back if you need help with that.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • HerberthSolano's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I need to estimate hours, so my start time is [Date created] and my end time is when [checkbox field] changes = true.

      So I need this last hour to subtract it from [Date created].

      Herberth Solano
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        OK, so the start date/time is [Date Created] and the end time is [Date / Time checkbox was checked] .

        So to get the number of hours as a numeric formula field type you can subtract and convert to the # of hours.

        ToHours([Date / Time checkbox was checked]- [Date Created])

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)