Forum Discussion

RyanStanford1's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Getting field values into javascript on the page

I've noticed in some posts, that there is a notation to get the value of fields dynamically while running JavaScript on the page, IE: iol technique...

However, I've been unable to get this notation correctly to be able to recreate.

I've attempted similar to this:

var link = $("#_fid_12").val();

console.log(link); but this always comes back undefined or errors out entirely

3 Replies

  • I agree this no longer works.  The hack that I thought of was to add a hidden div to a formula rich text field with a specific id that I could then reference in my js file.  

    So, if you want to pass the value of the "Name" field as a variable called "my_name" ...

    The formula rich text field:
    "<div id=QBU_name style='display:none'>" & [Name] & "</div>"

    in the .js file:

    var my_name = document.getElementById("QBU_name").innerHTML;

    Eloyse Ellerman
  • I have the same issue with some fields. Is the field in the table associated with the form or is it a linked field to another table?
  • It's a field on the form itself. It may be a lookup field, but it's still a regular field on the table. I've since moved away from this method, so I haven't resolved this question.