Forum Discussion

damienpage's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Gmail Pipeline

Has anyone has any sucsess connecting to gmail for a pipeline ?

Every time I attempt to connect I get an error message saying google has blocked QB's access. I have gone into my google account and changed the access to less secure, and there is no option anymore to connect an app...

Any help appreciated.

damien page

5 Replies

    • damienpage's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      I tried the Outlook Pipeline but was never able to get it to trigger.....

      The nominated Outlook account received the email, but the trigger never seems to pick it up no matter what I tried.

      Trigger current looking for a name in the email address, buthave also tried other things to no avail. Out of interest what portion of your email triggers your pipeline ?

      damien page
      • MarceloBenavide's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Hello, i received email with atachments, and i send email with atache,ents. After receive i save te email data in different table.

        Than you

        Marcelo Benavides Torres

        Libre de

  • Damien:

    Google workspace has controls available to Admins to prevent or monitor access to data from 3rd parties. 

    I'd talk to your Google Workspace Admins about access to the Google API's ... (details below)

    These controls are not available to individual users.

    Errors are generated when you attempt to either ACCESS data from a third party interface OR try to use an API. Quickbase uses the Google APIs to reach into gmail. It may Allow you to authorize and access your account, but block you when you seek to reach certain kinds of data.  (This is what your problem sounds like.) 

    If your Gmail account is in a corporate setting, your Google Workspace Admins may have BLOCKED third party API access at the API level.   

    Using API Controls, it is possible to allow part of an organization to have privileges for specific 3rd parties to access Google APIs.  ( This is not Google Cloud Platform settings via that console, but configured and set in the Google Workspace admin console.) 

    In the admin console it is at Security / Access and Data Control / API Controls. 

    joe vandervest
  • Hi Damien,

    I just recently connected to the Gmail channel and have it working to my expectations. But not without some issues along the way. If you have it figured out by now, you can ignore this, but maybe someone else will find it helpful.

    My issue was with the Gmail Connector. Their help documentation didn't really spell it out clearly and I ended up starting a support case to get this resolved. During that process I requested that they update their help documentation, and they have.

    Here's a link to STEP 4 of Gmail connector that may be useful:

    Barry Dolan