Grid-edit behavior
Is anyone experiencing new behavior with the grid-edit option? This is happening in regular table reports AND specifically grid-edit reports. When clicking the grid edit option at the top corner the page reloads with an absurd amount of fields. This new view is not a default report - or any report that exists as far as I can find. At first my fix was to make reports grid-edit from the start but now even those are showing the same behavior.
The correct columns show in preview and then reload with a huge number of columns when displaying for any record entry. I know that this is not the expected behavior - many users are reporting that they can no longer grid edit as they were able to last week. My support ticket was closed because this is "expected behavior" and I was told that I should submit a feature request if I wanted to be able to customize my grid edit columns. I know that I've done this before many times so I'm feeling lost. Is this a glitch only in my app? I have a few tables that are functioning as normal but multiple tables are exhibiting this behavior.
Rainey Johnston