Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

grid edit new add record button

Since new UI update i see a new green button above my grid edit reports on my records.  How can i hide this button?  It is an unneeded function, since i am already just typing into the grid, and it is taking up space.    I already utilize the default add record functionality that was created when i i linked the table.

33 Replies

  • BethBeth's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I, too, am seeing it, along with a field link name that shouldn't be there, and a summary. I think this is a bug of some sort; will plop your info and mine into a bug report.
    • BethBeth's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Ok, it ate my edited comment. Trying again. 
      This "New LT_ACTIVITY" button was not there, and there is no way to disable it. Likewise the "0 LT_ACTIVITIES" was not there, and there is no way to disable it.
      They are both part of the "LEADTRACKER ACTIVITIES" field on the form.
      If I wanted a button there, I would put it there, likewise the summary.
  • It looks like a new feature and not a bug to me.  My guess is the thinking is that the user may be in Grid mode on a Form or a Report and decide to want to add a record using a full size Add record form and not add using Grid Edit which can be cramped if there is a lot of data entry involved.  
  • BethBeth's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    There is no way to disable it!  The only item in the form right there is the grid edit table. I don't want an "Add whatever" button that I can't customize. And the summary/link off to the right isn't part of anything I want, either. See edited comment above.
  • OK, actually now I see their logic.  That button simply positions the cursor to the next unused line on the grid edit form.  It does not take you to an Add Record form.  So, for example if there were 20 (or perhaps 200  or 2,000 entries) you would not need to scroll down to find the first unused line.
    • BethBeth's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Still not at all cool to add something to a form that can't be modified or changed! I am sure many of us have forms that are now messed up thanks to this.
    • BethBeth's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      P.S. Don't see in at least publicly posted release notes where they said this was going to happen - if so, where is it??
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I agree, It is unusual for Quick Base to release new features which are not in the release notes.  I assume that one just got missed.
  • Hey folks,
    Check out this screenshot from the version of Quick Base we released in december:

    If you look in the light blue bar, across the top of the grid edit, you'll notice there's some mostly unstyled text which says "New Record". We just restyled that link into a button to make it more prominent. 

    We didn't want to make changes to functionality in this release, so we didn't add further customization options about this link (now button). If it's still an issue over time, we'll look into making some adjustments. 

    There've been a few changes we made to try and make functions more prominent, and this seems to be the most common one. 

    The button will be hidden if the user doesn't have permission to add a new record to the child table.

    Sam Jones
    QuickBase Product Manager
    • BethBeth's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Thanks, Sam. 
      I really really do like about 99.999% of the new UI. I even liked the purple!
      But I don't like this. It doesn't match. And on new records where the report is empty, it really looks funny. On the other hand, oh, well. 
    • SamJones3's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Yeah, we're looking at what we can do to make it a little less intrusive. Thanks for the feedback, Beth.

      Sam Jones
      QuickBase Product Manager
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thx Sam, you are right that add button was so subtle that really no one was really "seeing it". It is better this way to be exposed, imho.
  • If you can make an option within "customize this form" to show or hide that entire header portion, that would be appreciated.   I prefer to have my records setup with as tight a view as possible to view as much information as i can on the screen.

    Additionally, having new UI features be optional now and when developing in the future, would be much an appreciated change, especially by the silent among us that don't complain or ask for anything until there is a change.
    • SamJones3's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      We'll look at making some enhancements around how grid edit is displayed. 

      And yeah, I totally get wanting the new styling to be optional. We looked at doing that for a long time. The hard thing is making it optional isn't free. It would have tripled the development time. I'd rather we spend that time working on something we've had people asking us for for years, rather than something which doesn't really change the capabilities of the platform.

      Sam Jones
      QuickBase Product Manager
    • SamJones3's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Never change, Dan. Never change.

      Sam Jones
      QuickBase Product Manager