Forum Discussion

AbdelrhmanNaser's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Group by Function

Hi All ,

I've been trying to do group by as a formula due to I'm trying to create Gauge Chart that count title that has been added to field [Title] , when i use count() it count all records , i guess what i need to group by first all titles that has same name then count those groups of titles , in order to give me how many titles we have at the end 

Thanks in Advance 🤗

Abdelrhman Naser
  • Are you trying to count the 'Distinct' count of Titles? So the number of unique entries? The distinct count is something that you can leverage in relationships if you have a setup that would allow you to summarize your title data somehow.

    Chayce Duncan
    • AbdelrhmanNaser's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Yes more or less , the title entered as long title , starts with title name then season then EPs and so on , so i need first part of the title only so i used Formula " Part([Title], 1, ":") "

      now i need to group the result of this formula then count , or count "Distinct " the results as you mentioned . 

      Abdelrhman Naser
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        If you have the title broken out into it's own field that you can summarize on, you can summarize them all into a 'Master' table if you have one, essentially a table with a single record that relates to ALL of your data records in the table you have the Title field in. Then the native relationship allows you to add a summary field of the 'Distinct Count' of a value in that child table. This would get you the Unique # of fields that you could report on. 

        Chayce Duncan