Forum Discussion

JamesCarr's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 months ago

Hands On Integration Training


Are there any suggestions for training (be it online or in person) where you can get some hands on experience with integrating a QuickBase app with other software applications? I constantly see references and online discussions about the concept of doing this but, I have yet to actually see anything like a practice module or something to follow along with. I see a lot of job opportunities where they want you to know how to do this stuff but, I have yet to have any experience with it. I, also, don't fully understand things like where to find the URL from the software that you want to use with REST, etc. The examples I have seen give you the exact URL for the use case but, don't explain the concept of how to get the URL. In the past, I asked a similar question and was just told things like, "learn JavaScript". That is too broad of a suggestion. I see platforms like Coursera that give you projects to complete to go with your education. It would be nice if QuickBase offered such things. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I have the Builder, Expert Builder, and Pipelines certifications. I still feel in the dark about integrations though.


  • ben_simon's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hey James, it's a good question. We don't offer a training that would specifically address what you're looking for, although it's awesome to see that you have your certifications, great job! 

    I'm curious, what types of integrations are you interested in learning how to do? What are you looking to connect Quickbase with?

    • JamesCarr's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Anything, honestly. I just want to understand more in depth how to go about figuring out how to integrate QuickBase with other applications, and I know the methodology will vary with the application(s) in question. There are small yet critical details that I don't understand. For example, when a URL is needed for the integration, how do I figure out where to get the URL from? I understand SQL can be used with QuickBase. I assume this would be SQL in an outside application sending or retrieving data from your designated QuickBase application. Either way, how does that work? JavaScript can do a lot from the code pages but, again, that appears to involve URLs for the designated application. 

      Many job descriptions are generic when they indicate wanting you to have experience integrating QuickBase with other applications. They likely just reference desired skills and languages like Python, SQL, JavaScript, JSON, REST, etc.  Except for Python, I have done some research into these but, I still get left with the same questions. 

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        A suggestion is to contact Sharon Faust, aka Quickbase Junkie to to see what free and paid courseware she has.  I presume a skill you would want to have is to learn how to parse the JSON responses which seems to be the standard for API Responses from outside 3rd party systems.  I contracted with Sharon to help me with a particular project I was working on, and I also successfully muddled my way on my own through a project to automate receiving the weather forecast for the next 14 days and coax it onto a chart each day.  That was a project I did just to learn how to parse array responses as the API comes back with an array for the 14 day forecast.

        I'm not a "programmer", so that syntax to parse the API JSON responses does not come naturally to me!