Forum Discussion

AmberDavis's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 months ago

Quickbase for Tracking Training

Hello Quickbase Community! 

Does anyone use Quickbase as a way to track completed and upcoming training? Would love to see how you all are using it for this function. 

I know LMS systems do this, but different groups in our company use different LMS systems for regulatory reasons. We are looking to keep all of the safety training in one spot for this reason. 



  • I have done training tracking apps before, and I may have some kicking around in my app collection. I would be happy to get on a call with you for a half hour to discuss it.

    One Concept is that you have a table of employees, perhaps tagged by departments for example. Then you create a training event record, which is a child of a training topic. So for example, let's say the topic was Dock Plate Safety. 

    So then you would create a training instance of that which occurred say on September 5 and you push a button and all of the employees in the indicated departments would jump onto that record as child records. So now you have a topic, a training instance of that topic that happened on a certain date and you have a list of all the employees who attended that training session. Of course you then can edit that list in case somebody was sick or away that particular department that day.


    That leaves you with a beautiful granular table by employee of when they were last trained on the topic. 

    It is also possible that employees need to be recertified on a particular training topic after say one year. So that would be indicated on the training topic and then you can start developing exceptional reports of employees who either have not been trained or whose training has expired on that particular topic.

    In a a warehouse or industrial environment for training, It can be important to be able to demonstrate exactly when individual trainings were completed for individual employees. That way in case of an accident or incident, the company has its due diligence in order so they can prove that the employee was trained and should have known better.