Forum Discussion

Eric_J_Hansen's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Has anybody noticed annoying and ugly form design issues lately???

Recently, I have noticed that my forms across multiple apps have started to look... well, ugly. Field names are wrapping. Fields are being squeezed closer together. Embedded reports field headers are getting jumbled. It is annoying me and I think QuickBase has gotten uglier on my screen for some reason.

Here is the thing though. If I zoom way out (like 75%) on my browser (Chrome) everything looks prettier again but I can't see all the finer details very well. If I zoom way in (like 150%) it looks prettier again, but I can only see a couple details at a time.

It is frustrating because, I like my QuickBase at 100%. I don't like my QuickBase too small, or too big. I like my QuickBase just right. Lately though, when my QuickBase is at just right size, something just isn't right. My QuickBase is ugly at just right. Anyone else having this problem? 

I have attached a couple screen shots. Please tell me why my QuickBase got ugly and if there is anything I can do to fix it. My momma always told me you can't fix ugly so I am really worried at this point. 

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