10 months agoQrew Cadet
Have Approve Button Direct back to the Master Record
I have an approve button and right now when the user uses it it directs them to the detail record that the approval button is for. How do I change the button to have it direct them back to the page t...
- 10 months ago
var text Approve = URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_Onboarding_details] & "?act=API_EditRecord&apptoken=*AppToken*&_fid_15=" & URLEncode(User()) & "&_fid_16=" & URLEncode(Today()) & "&_fid_26=1" & "&rid=" & [Record ID#];
var text RefreshPage = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl();
& "&rdr=" & URLEncode($RefreshPage)