2 years agoQrew Member
Help with a simply IF formula
I have been stuck on this problem for HOURS. Please help :'(
I have a check box that I would like CHECKED when:
- Referenced Date Field is after January 1, 2024
- All days before 1/1/24 is UNCHECKED
- It has been at least 7 days since Referenced Date Field
- If Referenced Date Field = 2/1/24, then it's checked if TODAY() = 2/8/24
Here is the formula I have. The +7 days portion works but the before 1/1/24 doesn't work :(
If([Date Field] + Days(7) <= Today()
[Date Field] > ToDate(01/01/2024),
true, false)
Thank you in advance if you are able to help me solve
Kim Anh Nguyen