Forum Discussion

SylvesterOkelek's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Help with field value lookup.

I have two tables {Budget} and {Account Distributions}. The relationship is Each Budget has many Account Distributions.
I am trying to make the Total sum of the field {Amount} (highlighted in orange color)
to always be reflected in the field {Obligated Amount} (highlighted in blue color).
Please any help from the experts will be appreciated.


2 Replies

  • np,
    just go to the Relationship and on the left side there will be a button to create a summary field. Then delete your existing field and use the auto calculated one instead.  Check where the old field is used first, by looking at the "Usage" tab on the field properties and replace the old field with the new one.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • SylvesterOkelek's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Wow! Works like a charm! 

      Thanks Mark. 

      Sylvester Okeleke