8 months agoQrew Cadet
Hide Add Button
Hello and happy Friday - I would like to have an add button hidden until a certain record in the app has met it's outcome, and then once that record is considered closed allow the add button to dis...
Can you tell us which Add button you mean? Did you mean an Add Child button on a Parent Record, or an add button for a whole table. Also, can you give us some idea of what these conditions are?
In the parent record there is a relationship built to a child table and has a button to add a record to the child table from the parent table. However, I don't want the add button to display unless the child record has meet the outcome of being closed to allow the user to then add a new record.
Ok sure. Make a summary field on the relationship to check if ANY of he children are open. Call it say [Any Open Responses?]
Then make a Form Rule that if
[Any Open Responses?]
Then hide Add Child button.