Forum Discussion

MrunaliKadam's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Hide pencil icon on the report


Is there any way to hide this pencil icon on the report for certain users?

Mrunali Kadam
  • There is a setting on the report to hide it from all users. You can also choose a user role and make the entire table non editable which will remove it.

    Otherwise, I think your only option is to make custom rules for each field to be non editable, so that if they do click the pencil, they get only read only fields.

    Maybe someone else knows otherwise though?

    Finally, the last option I can think of is to remove it from the report completely, then make a custom button that is only shown to the correct users. You can make the button look like the pencil and sort of mimic what people are used to.

    Mike Tamoush
    • MrunaliKadam's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Mike! 

      1st option might work for me. I could not find option to hide pencil icon in the settings. Can you please advise how can I navigate through settings and make the entire table non editable ?

      Mrunali Kadam
      • MikeTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Commander
        If you are looking to just remove the pencil from the report, then customize the report and towards the bottom there will be checkboxes for 'Allow editing from this report' and 'Allow Viewing From this Report'.  Uncheck allow editing.

        To make the table uneditable, you will want to go to your Users Table and manage roles. Select the role you want to lock out, and under the permissions tab, find the table and  switch modify to None.

        Mike Tamoush