Forum Discussion
You can make a summary field in the relationship. Click the box that says 'Whether any records exist' for your summary field, and add the filter 'Where status = On Hold'. So now you have a checkbox on the parent that tells you whether any children exist that are on hold.
If the Status on your parent is a formula field, then you simply just say If the checkbox = true, the status is 'On Hold', else the status is 'In Progress'.
If the Status on the parent is a manual entry field, you will need to use a pipeline. Trigger it off the child table and say, when the status of a child is changed, search for the parent and if the checkbox is true, set the parent status to on hold. If not, set it to in progress.
Mike Tamoush
- manoharvankired2 years agoQrew Trainee
Thanks Mike,
I have to create a Summary field in the relationship, where you obtain the combined text for the field Status.
In this case, I called the field "Site Status."
If(Contains([Site Status], "Hold"), "Hold",
If(Contains([Site Status], "IN-progress") or (Contains([Site Status], "IN-progress") and Contains([Site Status], "Yet to Start")), "IN-progress",
If(Contains([Site Status], "Yet to Start"), "Yet to Start", null
manohar vankireddy