Forum Discussion

BrianCafferelli's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

How do I adjust (resize) the column width in my reports?

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Quick Base doesn't set the width of columns in reports. Since the program has no way of knowing what font and font size a user's browser is configured to, we leave it to the browser to determine the appropriate widths for each column and the appropriate width for the entire report. Usually the browser does a pretty good job of this.

The browser determines column widths by looking at the data in each column. If the text in the column is allowed to wrap, the browser will often narrow the column in order fit the report onto the page. Occassionally a particularly long word, or more commonly a long URL will prevent the browser from narrowing a column.

If a column is too wide, look at the data in the column. You'll probably find an uninterrupted string of characters that can't be wrapped that's causing the column to be so wide. Go into that record and insert some spaces in that really long string of uninterrupted characters to allow it to wrap.

Also look at the name of the field at the top of the column. It may be causing the column to be too wide. If this is the case shorten the name of the field. Remember that column heads on multi-line text fields never wrap. All other fields allow their column heading to wrap.

If a column is too narrow try making the field name longer. Sometimes you have to make the field name an uninterrupted string of characters to make it force the width of the column wider.

Setting the width property of a field does not affect the width of the corresponding column in a report. The width field property only affects the width of the data entry field on add and edit record forms.
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