Forum Discussion
6 years agoQrew Cadet
I tried this and still can't get it to work. It stays on the 1st tab when the 2nd tab is hidden and doesn't advance to the 3rd tab.
Here is my field code:
& "savenexttabnothidden.js"
& [customButtonScript2]
& [customButtonStyleSKW]
& "Save & next tab"
& [customButtonEnd]
here is my code page:
var nextTabLink=$("li.ui-tabs-selected").next("[style!='display:none']").children("a");
var noErrorDialog=$('#qbDialog').length==0;
if( noErrorDialog ){
Here is my field code:
& "savenexttabnothidden.js"
& [customButtonScript2]
& [customButtonStyleSKW]
& "Save & next tab"
& [customButtonEnd]
here is my code page:
var nextTabLink=$("li.ui-tabs-selected").next("[style!='display:none']").children("a");
var noErrorDialog=$('#qbDialog').length==0;
if( noErrorDialog ){