Forum Discussion

Qrew Member
6 years ago

How do I display a calculated column on my Summary Report?

How do I display a calculated column on my Summary Report? I have a calculated column with a text formula, I have <calculated column> selected, but it won't display. Also potentially related is that fact that all of my columns are listed as numeric, even "addresses" that are an address type field. New user here, thanks!

2 Replies

  • I'm trying to display the text to be written on a wedding invitation. The formula checks if they have a +1, whether their last names are the same, etc. See below:

    If([Is a +1?]=null,If([Bringing a +1?]=null,[First Name]&" "&[Last Name],If([Last Name]=[+1 Last Name],[First Name]&" & "&[+1 First Name]&" "&[Last Name],[First Name]&" "&[Last Name]&" & "&[+1 First Name]&" "&[+1 Last Name])),null)