Forum Discussion

MitchKoyle's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

How do I keep the user on a specific form for the new child record?

Current work flow...
  1. Parent Record is created
  2. URL button using GenAddRecordForm is clicked which copies values from selected fields from the parent record and lands the user on a specific add form for the child record (dfid=10)
  3. User enters additional data on the child record and clicks "Save & close"
  4. User is returned to the parent record
I do not want to return the user to the parent record. I want them to stay on the same form (dfid=10) and simply switch to view mode. The next step is for the user to enter a child record of the child (grandchild).

I have tried using the "nexturl" parameter, but the problem is that at the time the button is clicked, the ID of the new child record is unknown.

5 Replies

  • But that loads the default form for the child record. I want a specific form loaded.
  • Or more accurately stated... I want it to stay on the previously loaded specific form of the child record, rather than load the default form for the child record.
  • Have you tried the workflow of adding the grandchild instead of saving & closing when entering the child?  As long as your key field is not a number, this should work just fine.  Then you do would not need to worry about the redirect to the original parent from the child and trying to stay on the same dfid10.

    Make sure EVERY table in your App has the [Save parent record automatically when a child record is createduto save when adding a child] box in the Advanced Table Settings turned on.
  • Laura is correct, but the real question here is if you can avoid have multiple forms and instead have forms rules and just one form.