Forum Discussion

DoyleDoyle's avatar
Qrew Member
11 years ago

How do I set up a one-to-one relationship between tables?

Both tables contain unique project numbers as their common reference. Table B contains data on more projects than Table A contains. Table B is updated with refreshed data periodically. Table A is a list of projects which is a sub-set of what is found on Table B. I need to be able to link some of the columns in Table A to the corresponding data from that same project in Table B, so as to pull in fresh data updates from B when they occur. There is only ONE instance of each project number on either table, so a one-to-many relationship is irrelevant. I need to set up one-to-one relationships based on project numbers. How do I do this?

4 Replies

  • Your parent table is table B and the child table is table A. In China they still mostly have a policy of one child per mother, but the mother is still the parent and the child is still the child, even though there is only 1 child per mother.
  • Okay...  I am a novice here.  How do I set this up?  I have figured out how to link the two tables, and based on your analogy, I now know which table to name as parent/child.  So, that is helpful.  However, this misses the core of my question.  How do I do it?  How do I insert a data column into A from table B?  Please, bust it down to 2nd grade level.  That's where I am at with QuickBase.  You can talk college level Excel with me, but training wheels are still on here in QuickBase.
  • If you have figured out how to link the two tables, you must have gone into relationships and made a relationship between the two tables.  I assume that the field on the right hand side of the relationship is your project number field from the table A (and not the generic Related project number] field which would require you to maintain the links manually.

    Then just go to that relationship and on the right side you will see a button to add lookup fields. Use that to pull in any fields that you need from the parent down to the child.