Forum Discussion

DawnRene3's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

How to add a filter on a connected table filter that is 90 days before a date field?

I'm trying to add a filter to my connected table and app that only refreshes  those records that have a Session Date on or before 90 days in the past. Although the filter for that field does allow for "is on or before" it does not give me an option for number of days in the past. Is there some way to write that in the filter that will do the same as it does in my table report filters?

Thanks. Dawn

Dawn Rene
  • np, just make a formula checkbox field in the source table like [session date was 90 days in the past?].  Then use it as your Sync table filter.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • DawnRene3's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Perfect! Thanks!

      Dawn Rene