4 years agoQrew Trainee
How to ask if GetFieldValues output contains values less than a particular value?
Hi All,
I've got a formula query like so:
GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{865.EX.'"&[Name Current User Email Text]&"'}","abcdefgh9"),649))
First, I couldn't figure out how to get the formula query to work with user fields, so I got it working with a text field. I think it has to do with the expression operator, i.e. "EX", but I couldn't get it to work with any others.
That query, if ToText is put in front, will produce results like this:
11-25-21 ; 12-06-21 ; 12-07-21 ; 12-08-21
FID 649 is just a date field. What I want to know is if any of those values are less than ToText(Today()). How do I do that?
Daniel Johnson