Forum Discussion

KathyBenjamin's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 months ago

Formula using Contain


I'm trying to count how many records I have that have for Field "Account Name" that contains the work "Wire" and the Field Name "Funding Indicator Name" that contains ASC.  I'm not getting an error for the way I did the formula but its not counting when the two fields on a record have the "contains" word.

If((Contains([Account Name],"Wire" & Contains([Funding Indicator Name],"ASC"))),1,0)

Appreciate any suggestions.  Thank you



  • Syntax is wrong. Try this:

      Contains([Account Name],"Wire") and Contains([Funding Indicator Name],"ASC")

    If this is a checkbox formula, you can also shortcut by only giving it the true option and eliminating the If statement all together. ie:

    Contains([Account Name],"Wire") and Contains([Funding Indicator Name],"ASC")