Forum Discussion

PushpakumarGna1's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

How to create a report joining two tables with 4 or 5 joining columns between the two tables?

How to create a report joining two tables with 4 or 5 joining columns between the two tables?

Could you please help on this?

2 Replies

  • Hi, It sounds like you have 2 tables and you need to pull a report that displays information from both tables. Are the two tables related to each other? If so, you should be able to edit the relationship and add lookup fields to pull the information from the one table into the other so that all the info is in one table. Then you would be able to pull the report from that table. I suspect your issue is more complicated than that, but maybe this answer will help someone.
  • Hi Pushpakumar,
    Try to create reports on the Child Table. Child Table have Lookup fields, it has columns from both the Master Table and the Details table.

    I hope I'm not Talking out of context.    :)