Forum Discussion

SarahLentz's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

How to disable hidden form elements

I have a form in which there is a dynamic rule where if a certain selection is "No" it hides several other form elements. How do I "disable" these form elements if they are being autofilled when other criteria are selected?

For example...when the initial elements are filled out, it populates certain approvers. However, when the last element "No" is selected, it hides a few of the approvers (there are 5 total). However, when I view the table of the data, I can still see the elements that are populating in the background of the hidden elements. The hidden elements are also triggering notification emails.

Sarah L
  • Are you trying to make it so if a form element is hidden, it is not autofilled as it typically would be?

    Mike Tamoush
    • SarahLentz's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Sarah Lentz
      • MichaelTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        You will need to add the 'hide' conditions to the dynamic form rule that includes the change action. For example, I assume right now you have 2 rules

        Rule 1: If [Hide On Field]="No", hide Field A and Field B
        Rule 2: If [All Other Criteria] = true, Change Field A to this [Value]

        In the above scenario, rule 2 is going to fire whether or not the field is hidden. So, add to rule 2.

        Rule 2: If [All Other Criteria] = true AND [Hide On Field] <>No, then Change Field A to this [Value]

        Michael Tamoush