Forum Discussion

LukasLukas's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 years ago

How to format API_GenResultsTable

Hi. I would like to export fields from a report into an Exact Form page, which i created based on html.
In the html code i use...

"API_GenResultsTable^query={'21'.EX.'"+ field["Record
ID#"]+"'}^clist=^^slist=360");~ get the values required. This works fine until it comes to formatting the table. I have tried all options listed on the API_GenResultsTable help site. Is there a way to get my Goal: table with no borderlines except for header and footer as well as different font sizes for header.

Cheers, Lukas

2 Replies

  • Dear Lukas,

    The answer to that is yes, however you will need to create the CSS customisation yourself. This can take some time to do. I have achieved something similar to this myself to make a table with no borders, no heading and no background colours.

    Here is how I achieved it:

    Firstly make a copy of your existing exact form page and call it backup page (just in case).

    In the exact form page you will see a reference to a CSS style sheet. If you click the hyperlink (or paste it into a browser address bar and go to it, you will see a screen full of CSS styling) copy the CSS and paste it into a new code page and name it something. Then take the url of the code page and paste it over the CSS link in the exact form page.

    Now load your exact form in the normal way and using the inspect element in Google chrome target parts of the table to trace the style elements you need to overwrite in your custom CSS page. Note some elements are inherited but you can add these to your template. To ensure anything you add is working you need to use the !important; tag, the important tag forces the browser to accept your styling over the other styling.

    for example. {border:1px !important;}

    This will probably take you a few hours to achieve but you can always refer other exact forms to this CSS template in the future.

    I hope this helps.

    As you seem to be experimenting with exact forms you may also find my other post on conditional loading of fields and tables on exact forms useful:


    I have actually had to do this myself for something I needed. I have achieved the attached with an exact form table using the css style sheet available here

    To use this copy and paste the code into a code page, then view the code page and copy the url and overwrite the style sheet ref url in the exact form. This will then show your tables as attached.

    Note my style sheet works well in chrome, firefox and IE.


    • trobergetroberg's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Jack...great ino, thanks for sharing.  Just FYI...your link no longer works here.